Dad & Grandson
As the only daughter of 5 children, I feel compelled to nominate my dad as the most dependable dad. Not only in the Prairie's, but the world. Ill tell you why. Growing up we didnt have much. But we did have him. We didnt have the biggest house, the newest car, the fanciest clothes. We did have unconditional love, support, a best friend, a confidante, a teacher. I could go on and on. Through the perils thrown at our family from literally every direction, he prevailed and was always dependable. My mother was sadly diagnosed with mental illness years ago. Anyone who knows anyone who has mental illness in their family knows how hard this can be. The definition of strong is this couple. The definition of dependable is my dad. He was always there for our mom and his kids. No matter how hard things were, how tired he was, how long he worked that day, we always knew we could depend on him to keep us going. We came first. His social life suffered. His extended family life suffered. His professional life suffered. His own health suffered. He dedicated his life to us. And we cant thank him enough for that. His dependability allowed us to live the lives we do now. Happy, healthy, fulfilled lives. He deserves something good to happen for him. Something HE can depend on. What better than a brand new Toyota?
by: Breanne S
As the only daughter of 5 children, I feel compelled to nominate my dad as the most dependable dad. Not only in the Prairie's, but the world. Ill tell you why. Growing up we didnt have much. But we did have him. We didnt have the biggest house, the newest car, the fanciest clothes. We did have unconditional love, support, a best friend, a confidante, a teacher. I could go on and on. Through the perils thrown at our family from literally every direction, he prevailed and was always dependable. My mother was sadly diagnosed with mental illness years ago. Anyone who knows anyone who has mental illness in their family knows how hard this can be. The definition of strong is this couple. The definition of dependable is my dad. He was always there for our mom and his kids. No matter how hard things were, how tired he was, how long he worked that day, we always knew we could depend on him to keep us going. We came first. His social life suffered. His extended family life suffered. His professional life suffered. His own health suffered. He dedicated his life to us. And we cant thank him enough for that. His dependability allowed us to live the lives we do now. Happy, healthy, fulfilled lives. He deserves something good to happen for him. Something HE can depend on. What better than a brand new Toyota?
by: Breanne
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daubjm So sweet.
Clizotte16 Good luck! Form Cash and I!!
cwieler1966 Good luck
kimbrinker616 Good luck
Carmene C good luck from gene and carmene
Carmene C Wishing you all the best.
Nikki7221 Good luck!
volliejean Good luck!
vnlacourse Good Luck!
Marg Good luck you have my vote